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COH Curbside Recycling to Resume


After a 2-and-a-half-month suspension due to Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts, the City of Houston's Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) will resume its curbside recycling collection schedule starting Monday, November 13, 2017. The resumption of service is as follows:

"B Week" collection will begin the week of Monday, November 13, 2017.
"A Week" collection will begin the week of Monday, November 20, 2017

As curbside recycling collection reboots, customers are encouraged to place only the following items in their green recycling carts: paper, cardboard, clean food cartons, plastic containers #1-5 and #7, aluminum cans and bimetal cans. A detailed list of accepted items can be found on department's website (http://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/recycling.html). Customers are also reminded that glass is not accepted in the curbside containers, but can be recycled at all City recycling drop-off locations. The recycling link previously mentioned lists those locations and has them mapped.

Here are a few other reminders to remember after our recycling hiatus:

1. No Hurricane Harvey Debris should be in the recycling cart. While we recognize that many customers used their carts to haul demolition material to the curb immediately after Harvey, material of that type is not recyclable and is considered trash.

2. Recycling should be loose and not bagged in the cart. Loose material speeds the processing line and ensures that contamination is kept at a minimum.

3. Glass is not accepted at this time and should be taken to a convenient drop-off site.

4. Junk Waste and Yard Waste services remain suspended until further notice. Those crews continue to work on Hurricane Harvey debris removal.

5. All city drop-off locations continue to work on a 7 day schedule until further notice. These sites include the Neighborhood Depositories, Westpark Recycling Center and the Environmental Service Center. Remember to check with 3-1-1 or the department's webpage for operating hours.

6. The Recycling Collection Schedule is found here: http://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/Recycle_Cal.pdf

7. All Solid Waste Services Collection Day Information can be found at the following link: http://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/service_schedules.html

For more information about SWMD and its services, visit at www.houstonsolidwaste.org, "LIKE" us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/houstonsolidwaste, follow us on Twitter @HoustonTrash, or call 3-1-1, the City of Houston's Customer Service Helpline.

About the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department
The Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) provides solid waste services to the citizens of Houston through the collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material in a manner that is safe, efficient, environmentally sound and cost-effective.

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